Blogging phenomenon and advantage in our community

In modern society, blogging seems to be a part of in our life. Sharing, issuing and listening are all on weblogs. Blogging is now used to describe personal websites that offer "frequently updated observations, news, headlines, commentary, recommended links and/or diary entries. Weblogs represent the online intersection of people and time. It is significance of the blogging phenomenon.

There are many categorize blogs in our community. It is all for communication with people. Categorize blogs are included media digests, academic or professional interest, electronic magazines and personal journals (Belson 2005). Whatever what categorize is, it just people want to say and heard, and want to talk each other.  Writing blog is because people want to talk and ask, or share. It is in person blogging.


Is blogging for leisure or you plan to make money blogging?
It might be leisure for both youth and businessman. Mobile blog is useful and get it updated quickly in daily. It is a strength. Get to write and get to read in often.  

In technology era, making weblog is easy and  convenient. Every one become a professional user because of the simple software. Software company produce a easy tool for getting start. For example, Google blogger, MSN spaces and Yahoo are popular service for creating blogs quickly.

1. Day, M. 2005, Online players come of age, Australian
2. Belson, K. 2005, an MTV host moves to radio, giving voice to audible blogs

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