Blog as a tool of money making

Work hard can earn money. How is blog making by itself? Kelly (2004) said that people can create blog on internet site designed to sell product and to give the world own views.

Build a successful online business or blogging system, it is important for earning money of purpose.It is Blog and Dedication. Also it is Optional as a good pageRank.
Guideline of successful bloggers
1. Firstly, focus on blog is specific market, good page, and then connect suppliers with buyers.
2. Don’t expect to get rich from your blog. Some hobbit blog a thusand thusand only
3. Sell advertising is top money making of the blog.
For example, goole, this method is very , but you don’t choose who advertises or what you get paid.This method puts you in control, but you might make poor choices about advertisers and prices. Then, get a page which is related with your product, eg) Pap per post

Is will match you the product. Stay credible, be honest and don’t post too many paid reviews because it purpose your blog is open to publish, much reader to visit. If you look at marketing show, you would be reader.
4. Sell much, create a cool logo of your product. eg, Tshirt
5.Get it the fit- Affilliate programs are the best routes for newer blogs.
6. It is a service are they provide to customer. For example, make a coffe delivery service from
7. Put paypal - it is money making process.

1. Kelly F 2004, 'Blogging', Radio National Breakfast, ABC online

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