Classifications of blogs - how to build up blogging communities

Blogging can be crossed different type of blogs such as professional, personal and news….etc. Talking and listening and writing and reading are the word-based language processes that
people use to communicate with one another. It really depends on your own interest or what you want to say.

Categories of Blogs are follow as:
1. Blogs that are new or still in their early stages within a blog niche.
2. Major Player – One of the top 3-5 blogs within a blog niche.
3. Established- An umbrella category for everyone else. Within this classification, there may be varying degrees of “established-ness,” but for my purposes these differences don’t matter (Putnis 1996).

If you want to build up the blog, the process is as below of video. Click on the video, it showed how to build up blog. Show explains how blogging emerged and how blogging now fits into our world for fun, hobbies, family, news and more.

The video explain simple and clear. Most professionals spend a great deal of their working time writing, but not many would consider themselves to be professional writers. For many people, writing remains a mysterious, intimidating task, and writing ability is thought of as a gift that people either have or do not have. This creates the need to understand consumer behaviour better, particularly, a car maker such as Toyota, for example, once would have had a TV ad at 8.30pm to coincide with the Sunday night movie and would have been sure of reaching an entire family. Now, though,it had to consider how to reach a household where family membersmight be using different media at the same time, whether SMS texting,emailing, watching TV or using the internet.

1. Putnis, Peter and Petelin, Roslyn 1996, ‘Writing to communicate’, Professional communication : principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney, Ch. 7, pp. 223-263.

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