Overview of my weblog

This weblog is a tool of communication which in language noted in uses of email, in share of feeling, in give of photos (Kress, 1997).

In modern society, weblog seems to be popular and useful for everyone. It can not only be inspiriting with me, or share my feeling with friend and get feedback from them, and also get useful information. Post the photos on it, analysis and memoriam affairs.

Making technology prior for instance, facebook, youtube, online news and traditional newspaper, we could say that this form of communication is so quick, so speedy, but also so democratic that it is the technology itself which purpose is introduction of the visual, digital video players, users can visual and listen to it.

Blogging can be crossed different categories and classifications. From starting to establishing, the hierarchy will play a large role in establishing your growth strategy.

For my blog, it introduced blogging development and contemporay technologies. How to make a blog and money making as a marketing device.
1. Belson, K, 2005, ‘An MTV Host Moves to Radio, Giving Voice to Audible Blogs’
2. Kress G, 1997, ‘Visual and verbal modes of representation in electronically mediated’, Page to screen : taking literacy into the ÷electronic era, Allen & Unwin, N.S.W., Ch 3, pp.53-79

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