Contemporary technologies - weblog developing

Contemporary technologies
Page or text production make it easy to combine different modes of representation—image can be combined with language, sound can be added to image, movement of image is
possible. In the production of the traditional film, distinct crafts were involved in producing elements of the film's soundtrack, photography and the lighting, whereas these can now be produced with a single technology and with the skills of one person. But this one person now has to understand the semiotic potentials of each mode—sound, visual, speech—and orchestrate them to accord with his or her design.

Online Journal of language and literacy

Online journal for educators interested in a broad range of literacy issues encompassing research and teaching in print, oracy, and multimedia.The background  is the reader brings to the website text needs to link with the geographical and scientific information in the site, together with the understanding of the information that, again, occurs 'inside the head' (Kress, 1998). This is a totally different text from the literature texts and has a different purpose as it is an information genre. Schriver (1997) indicated that It does not work in symbols or metaphors, but in providing factual information in words, graphics and images. Its purpose is to give the reader who enters this site a variety of information about different types of wolves, their habitat and characteristics.

1. Kress, Gunther and van Leeuwen, Theo, 1998, ‘Front pages : (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout’, Approaches to media discourse, Allan Bell and Peter Garrett (eds), Blackwell, OxfordCh. 7, pp. 186-219
2. Schriver & Karen A, 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures’, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, Ch. 6, pp. 361-441

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