Printed newspapers developing

Newspapers develop and front pages layout is changing in decade.  Margin, color and text style has been improved.  In the two example of South China Morning Post, it showed the newspapers are changing. 

Walsh (2006) indicated that layout simultaneously involves three signifying systems, all serving to structure the text, to bring the various elements of the page (e.g. photographs, headlines, centre margin and blocks of text) together into a coherent and meaningful whole.

          Old newspapers                                             Modern newspapers

        (source:                                     (source:

It is an important of wrapping people to attent on the news. For the important person who must be on the newspaper under the heading. It let eye contact easily to move on the detail of the news. For example, modern newspaper, using color photos, the top section of the page focuses on the paper's role in covering everything (Kress, 1998), providing independent comment, and uncovering scandals on behalf of the public. Advertisements and other items of practical interest are usually found in this position, just as, within advertisements themselves, it is here that one finds the address and telephone number of the advertiser, or the tear-out coupon one can send to obtain further information or to order the product.

The front page, the top section of the page features on the centre short editorial about important person. Journal of language and literacy, the background the reader brings to the website text needs to link with the geographical and scientific information in the site, together with the understanding of the information that, again, occurs 'inside the head' (Schriver & Karen, 1997). This is a totally different text from the literature texts and has a different purpose as it is an information genre. It does not work in symbols or metaphors, but in providing factual information in words, graphics and images. Its purpose is to give the reader who enters this site a variety of information about different types of wolves, their habitat and characteristics.

Block of texts & Centre margin
Both old and modern newspapers are centre and margin in layout of text. Visual composition may also be structured along the dimensions of Centre and Margin. In contemporary Western layouts this is relatively less common.

The semiotic modes in such texts can interrelate in different ways. Writing may remain
meanings, or they may complement and extend each other, or even clash and contradict.

1. Kress, Gunther and van Leeuwen, Theo, 1998, ‘Front pages : (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout’, Approaches to media discourse, Allan Bell and Peter Garrett (eds), Blackwell, OxfordCh. 7, pp. 186-219
2. Schriver & Karen A, 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures’, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, Ch. 6, pp. 361-441
3. Walsh, M 2006, The textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 24-37

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