Overview of my weblog

This weblog is a tool of communication which in language noted in uses of email, in share of feeling, in give of photos (Kress, 1997).

In modern society, weblog seems to be popular and useful for everyone. It can not only be inspiriting with me, or share my feeling with friend and get feedback from them, and also get useful information. Post the photos on it, analysis and memoriam affairs.

Making technology prior for instance, facebook, youtube, online news and traditional newspaper, we could say that this form of communication is so quick, so speedy, but also so democratic that it is the technology itself which purpose is introduction of the visual, digital video players, users can visual and listen to it.

Blogging can be crossed different categories and classifications. From starting to establishing, the hierarchy will play a large role in establishing your growth strategy.

For my blog, it introduced blogging development and contemporay technologies. How to make a blog and money making as a marketing device.
1. Belson, K, 2005, ‘An MTV Host Moves to Radio, Giving Voice to Audible Blogs’
2. Kress G, 1997, ‘Visual and verbal modes of representation in electronically mediated’, Page to screen : taking literacy into the ÷electronic era, Allen & Unwin, N.S.W., Ch 3, pp.53-79

Blog as a tool of money making

Work hard can earn money. How is blog making by itself? Kelly (2004) said that people can create blog on internet site designed to sell product and to give the world own views.

Build a successful online business or blogging system, it is important for earning money of purpose.It is Blog and Dedication. Also it is Optional as a good pageRank.
Guideline of successful bloggers
1. Firstly, focus on blog is specific market, good page, and then connect suppliers with buyers.
2. Don’t expect to get rich from your blog. Some hobbit blog a thusand thusand only
3. Sell advertising is top money making of the blog.
For example, goole, this method is very , but you don’t choose who advertises or what you get paid.This method puts you in control, but you might make poor choices about advertisers and prices. Then, get a page which is related with your product, eg) Pap per post

Is will match you the product. Stay credible, be honest and don’t post too many paid reviews because it purpose your blog is open to publish, much reader to visit. If you look at marketing show, you would be reader.
4. Sell much, create a cool logo of your product. eg, Tshirt
5.Get it the fit- Affilliate programs are the best routes for newer blogs.
6. It is a service are they provide to customer. For example, make a coffe delivery service from coffeeDrinkr.blogspot.com
(source: goole.com)
7. Put paypal - it is money making process.

1. Kelly F 2004, 'Blogging', Radio National Breakfast, ABC online

Blogging phenomenon and advantage in our community

In modern society, blogging seems to be a part of in our life. Sharing, issuing and listening are all on weblogs. Blogging is now used to describe personal websites that offer "frequently updated observations, news, headlines, commentary, recommended links and/or diary entries. Weblogs represent the online intersection of people and time. It is significance of the blogging phenomenon.

There are many categorize blogs in our community. It is all for communication with people. Categorize blogs are included media digests, academic or professional interest, electronic magazines and personal journals (Belson 2005). Whatever what categorize is, it just people want to say and heard, and want to talk each other.  Writing blog is because people want to talk and ask, or share. It is in person blogging.

      (source: goole.com)

Is blogging for leisure or you plan to make money blogging?
It might be leisure for both youth and businessman. Mobile blog is useful and get it updated quickly in daily. It is a strength. Get to write and get to read in often.  

In technology era, making weblog is easy and  convenient. Every one become a professional user because of the simple software. Software company produce a easy tool for getting start. For example, Google blogger, MSN spaces and Yahoo are popular service for creating blogs quickly.

1. Day, M. 2005, Online players come of age, Australian
2. Belson, K. 2005, an MTV host moves to radio, giving voice to audible blogs

Classifications of blogs - how to build up blogging communities

Blogging can be crossed different type of blogs such as professional, personal and news….etc. Talking and listening and writing and reading are the word-based language processes that
people use to communicate with one another. It really depends on your own interest or what you want to say.

Categories of Blogs are follow as:
1. Blogs that are new or still in their early stages within a blog niche.
2. Major Player – One of the top 3-5 blogs within a blog niche.
3. Established- An umbrella category for everyone else. Within this classification, there may be varying degrees of “established-ness,” but for my purposes these differences don’t matter (Putnis 1996).

If you want to build up the blog, the process is as below of video. Click on the video, it showed how to build up blog. Show explains how blogging emerged and how blogging now fits into our world for fun, hobbies, family, news and more.

                                                      (source: youtube.com)
The video explain simple and clear. Most professionals spend a great deal of their working time writing, but not many would consider themselves to be professional writers. For many people, writing remains a mysterious, intimidating task, and writing ability is thought of as a gift that people either have or do not have. This creates the need to understand consumer behaviour better, particularly, a car maker such as Toyota, for example, once would have had a TV ad at 8.30pm to coincide with the Sunday night movie and would have been sure of reaching an entire family. Now, though,it had to consider how to reach a household where family membersmight be using different media at the same time, whether SMS texting,emailing, watching TV or using the internet.

1. Putnis, Peter and Petelin, Roslyn 1996, ‘Writing to communicate’, Professional communication : principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney, Ch. 7, pp. 223-263.

Personal blog Vs Professional blog

Blog is free to write and say

Personal Blog - Facebook blog
1. Running a successful blog can be reputation management, and our friends at Facebook have had a little trouble in that department lately.
2. See the announcement through Twitter and checked it out 
3. Looking to my side navigation for my groups, photos, friends, applications and now most of the activity is in the upper navigation.

In fact, the blog is so buried that it's like they're actually trying to hide it. While nobody arrives at Facebook specifically to read its blog, I'd make it a little more visible. Some of Facebook's more controversial actions took place after staff had blogged about their imminent implementation; the company could have benefited from hearing users' feedback before, as opposed to after, the changes were live.

Professional blog- Weblog news
This weblog included various news as sports, technology and business…etc. It is globalization, and easy to visit and know what happening in other country. There is video news and online newspaper. The news can be downloaded. Share it with friends by network which is facebook, twitter and email.

The document design of the Web pages, it provided information about what icons, pictures, and words suggest and do not suggest to users (Schriver & Karen, 1997)

It identified situations in which two or more icons, pictures, or words (designated as links) suggested to users the same or overlapping meanings. This is important for document designers to know because if users don't know which icon or word has the closest.


1. Schriver & Karen A, 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures’, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, Ch. 6, pp. 361-441)

Contemporary technologies - weblog developing

Contemporary technologies
Page or text production make it easy to combine different modes of representation—image can be combined with language, sound can be added to image, movement of image is
possible. In the production of the traditional film, distinct crafts were involved in producing elements of the film's soundtrack, photography and the lighting, whereas these can now be produced with a single technology and with the skills of one person. But this one person now has to understand the semiotic potentials of each mode—sound, visual, speech—and orchestrate them to accord with his or her design.

Online Journal of language and literacy
(source: http://www.anglicanjournal.com/)

Online journal for educators interested in a broad range of literacy issues encompassing research and teaching in print, oracy, and multimedia.The background  is the reader brings to the website text needs to link with the geographical and scientific information in the site, together with the understanding of the information that, again, occurs 'inside the head' (Kress, 1998). This is a totally different text from the literature texts and has a different purpose as it is an information genre. Schriver (1997) indicated that It does not work in symbols or metaphors, but in providing factual information in words, graphics and images. Its purpose is to give the reader who enters this site a variety of information about different types of wolves, their habitat and characteristics.

1. Kress, Gunther and van Leeuwen, Theo, 1998, ‘Front pages : (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout’, Approaches to media discourse, Allan Bell and Peter Garrett (eds), Blackwell, OxfordCh. 7, pp. 186-219
2. Schriver & Karen A, 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures’, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, Ch. 6, pp. 361-441

Printed Advertisment Vs Online Advertisment

In layout, when designers go to creat the advertisment or creat to promote the products, the designing for print is simple on color, photos and text content. Impressers are appropriate when the products or services are either emotionally very important to the buyer or in cases where benefits can't be measured until after the purchase is made (Parker 2003). However, the designing for online would be used animation, icon, voice and video to display the products. An example of Nikon, it showed the different designing for print and online.

     Designing for print                                  Designing for online 
     (source: goole.com)                                          (source: http://en.nikon.com.hk/)

Designing for print, it is a traditional printed advertisement. In graphic, It is mainly color contrast, products explore and telling point is for who. It explores how words and pictures work together. The idea of document designers are  as communications architects. Also, it explore the relationship between words and pictures, focusing on the often subtle interactions between readers and documents (Schriver & Karen, 1997)

Designing for online, it showed various information, photos’ quality and different an angle of products. The document design of the Web pages, it provided information about what icons, pictures, and words suggest and do not suggest to users (Schriver & Karen, 1997). The icons can be linked with other pages which go to more detail of products and clearly understand.

1. Schriver & Karen A, 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures’, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, Ch. 6, pp. 361-441)
2. Parker, Roger C. 2003, 'Designing documents for web distribution', Looking good in print(5th ed), Scottsdale, Ariz. : Paraglyph Press , Ch. 14, pp. 265-293